Saturday, September 20, 2014

Visiting Inn's Court

On Friday I took a trip to Inn's Court to see their Nursery. There was a cat there that I chased away! I like their garden there, especially all the sand I can dig in. I didn't think much of the food though...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My First Walkies!

Today my Master went out for a boring meeting so I was just lying under his desk when someone woke me up and told me I had to go out for a walk! What a cheek!

Luckily it was Emma, who gives me treats, and we went out with one of the nice children. They didn't let me sniff the chickens next door...Grrrr...but I had a good time anyway!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


My name is Jake and I have come to live in Bristol and work at Knowle West Children's Centre.

I am a two year old Cocker Spaniel and I was trained as a Hearing Dog for the deaf. I didn't finish my training though because I like chasing after pigeons too much. Grrrr...pesky pigeons!

I like being in the Children's Centre and I'm just settling in. Follow me to find out about my adventures!
